


The Wonderland---One Hundred Years of Solitude

  Essay by Catherine

             The reason that I first knew this book was that it was the typical example of  magical realism. At first, I just ignored it, because I thought I might have some difficulties in understanding the whole novel. However, my favorite teacher of English Literature just recommended this book to me, thus I began the journey of reading it.

            I chose the translated edition of Chinese in order to appreciate the world that the author built. The writer depicted a world with strange abilities to us, such us the magic to travel through death place to the real world or the strength to hide in a virtual world. This book connects a imagined world  with a real world. Sometimes you cannot tell which one was true.

           Nevertheless, I don't understand the meaning of the title of this book. Where solitude comes from since people in the village are all live in happiness? I haven' finished it yet, so I don't know the anwser. After I finished it, I will write more about this wonderful book. 

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